Friday, March 30, 2012

Avoid Credit and Identity Theft

     Be aware that companies you do business with may sell your credit information. Now, many of the people buying the names and addresses of people who have given their credit information are legitimate marketing companies who are searching for a particular target audience. But lately, there is a rise of not-so-legitimate people who are buying your credit information to actually steal your credit profile.
 We’ve all heard about identity theft, but how does it happen? Historically, it has usually been a case of the bad guys either rummaging through your garbage for old bank and credit card statements; or hacking a website where you entered info (like a credit card); or there have even been cases where bank databases were compromised. But, the sale of your information seems to be the most scary of them all. For between $40 and $80, would-be thieves can really mess up your credit and life.
     True, most identity theft can be fixed, but it can take months – even when you hire an expert. Especially when you are looking to buy a home or even refinance it, months can be fatal.

SPRING FEVER "Using Colors To Make a Happier Home"


   Colors have the power to change your mood and your outlook on life! Keep reading to find out how to color your home happy.
     Over the years researches have attempted to understand and harness the true power of color in the home and workplace. Their findings have filtered their way into everything from popular wall color to throw pillows and furniture.
     Our world is about visual experiences. We see displays at department stores and are drawn to items. We even buy items simply out of impulse because we like the way they look! We use color to elicit moods in all sorts of social situations. A red cocktail dress can mean excitement and fun. A black gown can be somber or elegant.
     When it comes to our homes it’s too easy to play it safe or worse yet too easy to pick the wrong color for the wrong mood. First, when it comes to design avoid competing patterns or colors. If your happy color is on the walls then be sure your rugs and furniture are happily neutral. Pick one focal point and play the room around it.
     The queen of mood-lifting paint colors of course starts with yellow. It’s charming, fun, and oh-so welcoming. Soft yellows can still be classic and relaxing, perfect for traditional decor, all while adding a touch of whimsy to your room. A soft buttercream or daffodil color is a great accent color for kitchens and baths, where you want spaces to appear light, bright, and clean. A beige room with neutral accents can create peace and calm.
     If you are wanting to be really, really happy then consider turning up the volume on your yellow and going canary. Pick one accent wall and then accessorize with modern, clean-lined accents. Not bold enough to paint the walls yellow? Then incorporate yellow accents (pillow, throws, frames, and vases) throughout the space.

SEE how adding color makes a big difference in a room!!!    
click the link below


Monday, March 19, 2012

Thread Count Not Fool Proof for Softness

High thread count is traditionally the way most people shop for bedding and towels. The belief is that the higher the thread count, the better the quality. Would it surprise you to know that isn't necessarily the case?

High thread count means your sheets and towels will be sturdier and last longer.
It doesn't necessarily mean they'll also be soft.
Look at the type of cotton and the weave instead.
How the sheet and towel feels is really what counts.
Softness depends on quality of fiber.
The best sheets are made of fibers longer than 37 millimeters (Egyptian cottons, supima, pima)
Weave is also important:  silky sateen, classic linen, crisp percale.
Touch before you buy.
Shop in person and touch, even if planning to buy online.
Don't be put off by initial stiffness in some towels - towels should get softer as they are washed.
Don't overload your washing machine if you want wrinkle free sheets.
Don't mix cotton sheets with anything polyester either as it can cause the cotton to pill.
Shake out the sheets first before putting in the dryer or they may wad up into a bundle.
Remove from dryer while slightly damp and line dry.